Monday, November 10, 2014


Love the skin your in .... Easier said than done huh? Some would say so. My take on this cliche is Sometimes it takes some longer than others to grasp this concept. Truth is self-love or self-hate begins at home. You never know someone's situation.You would assume that all little girls are told their pretty or beautiful and all little boys that they are handsome or cute. That's not always the case. Broken homes do exist which 9 out of 10 times this sends you on a search for love and acceptance outside the home.This issue really hit home for me because even though I grew up always hearing how Beautiful And Pretty I was, Once I got into Grade School Kids werent so Nice. No matter how Pretty your Face is Some people only see your Round Figure . Although this mind frame still exists, Thanks God its the large , round and fluffy body frame that is becoming more of a Staple for Women again. Once Closed-minded individuals are now Accepting the fact that not Everyone is meant to look the same, and thats ok. Wouldnt the World be a Boring Place if this were so. I say that to say this Be You and Love What The Most High Created, Be it Tall, Short, Fat, or Thin!!!!!! MUAH XOXOXO